A quick recap of the last ten days:
Last weekend I went on my last Joint Conference Retreat at Camp Sumatanga. All the Wesley Foundations and Methodist Student groups from our conference (region?? I'm still new to this whole Methodist thing) are invited to get together for a weekend retreat. We usually have a speaker, some sort of service project, and a sweet dance. This year Ken Sloane came to speak to us about the church's new campaign, Rethink Church. I love the Ten Thousand Doors idea--that church is more than a building or the people in it. To me, church is getting out in the world and showing God's love through your words and actions. Sundays in the sanctuary are nice, but they're not enough. (Not that I always do a great job of being the church in the world, but I have goals.)
We danced til midnight, and we non-counselors tried to learn the Sumatanga classics to no avail. But much fun was had by all, as Ken might say, and nobody had to pray for forgiveness for their dance moves.
Sweet Home Alabama! ROLL TIDE ROLL!
Sarah and Me rocking our glasses
Justin scored this sweet outfit at the thrift store!
Back to UA, back to reality. I hit the homework hard and tried to get everything in order for the week. Our long-awaited, year-in-the-making service learning project at Bryant began on Tuesday, and I couldn't be more pleased with how things are going so far. I think the kids are enjoying their time with the college students and are getting excited about their projects! YAY!!
Wesley co-ed played their first softball game on Wednesday night--just after we had a farewell dinner for Alicia at Ichiban. I know my BFF for all of college isn't going to be far away, just in Huntsville doing her nursing preceptorship, but I'm going to miss her somethin' fierce. I don't like to talk about it. (In happy news, Alicia, Lauren, and Ally all passed their LAST HESI!! today! I am SO proud of them!!)
It was nice to be back in the swing (har, har) of things with softball, and I was glad to catch up with Mo and J at the game, too. Nevermind that it was about 30* outside. I was the kid who was just ready for the snowcone (or hot chocolate as the case may be) at the end of the game, but this week will be better. And hopefully warmer. At one point, we had a 12-11 lead over the team whose name I cannot remember and then we lost, and lost hard. No one much cared, though. We were all ready to get warmed up!!
I headed home to Huntsville on Thursday morning since my only Friday class was cancelled on account o' ASPA. Oh, how I miss high school journalism. Those were the good old days when we thought we studied hard...those were the days.
A few days in the 'ville to relax and recharge were just what the doctor (or nursing students) ordered. I enjoyed doing not a whole lot and spending time with the folks. We went bowling with the Huskey fam on Friday night and had a blast catching up. I also napped, caught up on pleasure reading (no textbooks allowed), and went shopping. Found some AWESOME deals at Anne Taylor Loft and Kohl's...teacher/church/summer working wardrobe is complete!!
I came back to Tuscaloosa bright and early this morning, reminiscent of the good ole days freshman year when Ellyn and I would race back from Huntsville to make our Monday morning classes. I can't believe we're all about to graduate and get real people jobs. And before I start thinking too much and getting too sad about it...again...I'm going to go do something teachery...like grade papers. :)
Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in what seems like FOREVER!
JCR was SO. FUN. Love the pictures! And the inappropriate distances reference, we were totally unvoluntarily part of that game in small groups.
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