Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Comfort Food

It's been a busy but sunshiney day, and sunshine usually makes everything better. I'm about over this cold weather, though!! I'm ready for spring!

I had a momentary freak out today because our oral history project at Bryant High School begins in less than a week. We've got most of our stuff ready to go--now it's just time to wait. I have such high hopes for this project, which started when I told Dr. D-W that I wanted to "teach kids how to not suck at writing." She mentioned in passing that she'd always wanted to start a writing or literacy program for high school students, and I said, "Okay, let's do it!" That's all it took; I said I'd help, she got the grant money, and here we are, a year later, ready to go.

We will be teaching three classes at Bryant about oral history (basically interviewing people and recording their stories, some ordinary and mundance, some surprisingly interesting) and helping them produce oral history projects about civic leaders, specific decades, and the Vietnam era (a different topic in each class). The teacher in me is eager to get started and see what great work the kids will come up with. The planner in me gets a little freaked out when we're pushing the deadline limits. But all the groups came through today, and we're ready to roll!!

A great day was topped off by a great dinner with fabulous friends. I love these people, my Wesley peeps. We had a huge pot of Alicia's *awesome* chili, cornbread muffins (made by moi...courtesy of Jiffy), and super cute elephant brownies from Lauren. How wonderful to have a group of friends who loves to cook AND eat. One of the things I will miss most about college is all of our impromptu dinners and late-night chats, even if we get into (fake) heated arguments about who's the worst friend ever. Current leader is Alex, but she loves it!

A few photos from dessert time because by the time I realized I forgot to photograph our feast, it was gone!

Ali scooping ice cream with a plastic spoon: FAIL.
Lauren and Justin are so stinkin' cute!!

Ellyn and Alex show off their adorable elephant brownies.

Ali and I *love* the Tide--and brownies!

"You better put this all over the internet!" -Alex

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so excited about your project at Bryant!!!