Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jami lost the goose...and where I found it.

I hope Karl Marx will excuse me as I ditch his Consciousness Derived from Material Conditions to relay a story I find particularly amusing. (I reading quit at "orohydrographical," but preach on, brotha!)

I recently sent the following Facebook message to Jami:

So I had the weirdest dream last night. You were in it so I thought you'd get a kick out of this! It was Alabama Action meets Wesley Foundation meets Wathen family Christmas! All my friends from Wesley are sitting around at my grandparents' house with all my family as well as Michael, Phillips, and Trey. Random assortment!

Enter Jami Gates like a frantic mad woman. First you apologized to us for not making the Prater Auditorium Conference (party code name)'d have showed up if it weren't for all those freshmen. (haha!) But you said, "I'm here now, but there's a huge problem!" We're all still kind of looking at you dumbfounded when you come over and whisper, very seriously, "Leah, I can't find the goose." RANDOM!!! But you're searching high and low for some missing goose. Michael Emery guesses Grey Goose...but you say "No, a GOOSE goose." And then I woke up shaking my head. So...if you find the goose, let me know!

I found the goose this afternoon when Josh, in true Jim Carrey-starring-in-Liar, Liar style, fashioned me a goose from a crumpled sheet of paper.

I'm pondering these questions after the last few days:

1) WHY did I dream that Jami lost a goose???

2) Isn't is such a coincidence that Josh just happened to do the paper goose bit - we haven't done that in many months - the same day!?

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