Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Room Reflects Self

So I was talking to a friend tonight about the crazy school and work schedule I've been keeping lately, and she said "Doesn't leave much time to write, huh?" I haven't written just for me in over a year...maybe longer. That was the whole point of creating this blog - not only to keep with the the daily happenings around campus and in the life of Little Leah, but also to give me a space to ponder and muse and hopefully end up writing *something*.

I avoided writing my theatre critique until the last possible second (read: 7:30 so I could be in bed - having watched TV and read at least a chapter of He's Just Not That Into You - by 10. In the middle of my paper, I turned around to see my disaster area of a room which led me to remmeber a little theory I came up with sometime long ago...or last year. Room Reflects Self. Now the major, and obvious, principal of RRS is that the state of organization in my bedroom directly reflects the amount of homework, regular work, dishes, cleaning, errands, lack of time to get out the freakin' door...I have at any given point.

Observe Exhibit A: Came back after a weekend at home with an extra bag of winter clothes, a few boxes of shoes and a pile of untouched homework. I'll clean my room once I finish my homework and decide that taking my clothes out of the suitcase is worth the hassle of finding hangers to hang everything back up in my color coordinated closet (which is no longer fully color coordinated due to a little thing I like to call Closet Reflects Self, but you get the idea).

To further illustrate my point (and slyly show off my stylish new pad!!), observe Exhibit B: I had plenty of time on my hands and cleaned the whole joint last week!
These are just a few photos. I haven't uploaded the rest of them and am past my bedtime deadline!

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